Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Dana Loesch Insanely Jealous of Meghan McCain

Dana Loesch has a habit of trying to pick fights with people who have more Twitter followers than her to try to build up an audience. One of her favorite targets for this is Meghan McCain, daughter of John McCain, who has 82,000+ followers on Twitter compared to Loesch's 7,000+. Far right-wingers hate Meghan McCain because she has the audacity to suggest that maybe the Republican Party shouldn't be homophobic, she believes that climate change is real, and she has suggested that the tea party is too extreme. So naturally Loesch freaked out in jealous rage after McCain recieved recent media attention:

Notice how Loesch immediately suggests that McCain, who has reasonable ideas that certainly are worthy of actual debate, is somehow ditsy or shallow. But of course if anyone said something like that about someone Loesch likes, Sarah Palin for example, Loesch would immediately brand them as sexist.
But who knows? Maybe if Loesch continues to spend every waking second on self-promotion as she has been, she will someday be as popular as Meghan McCain is now.


  1. yeah she just brushes it off like you're a stalker. does she expect to spout lies and distortions from her position as a broadcaster and expect to go unchallenged? those pesky facts, they can't refute them so people like her say things like that. I asked her if she agree's with tom tancredo's racist speech at the tea party convention with no response yet. I guess she does since she won't answer the question.

  2. As I've said before....when she can't think of anything intelligent or relevant to say, she goes for the personal insult.

    I'm so tired of her making unfounded, insulting, degrading and sexist comments about the people she dislikes simply because she has a "forum" and can avoid any situation where she can be challenged. I'm pretty certain you don't become a respected spokesperson by lobbing personal insults at your detractors.

    The crack about your writing was a classic! She isn't exactly Hemmingway.

    I'm also really tired of seeing and hearing her EVERYWHERE inflating the importance of what she is doing and saying for the sole purpose of her overreaching self-promotion.

    We can only hope that she forever stays as perfect, young, attractive and intelligent as she believes she is. Otherwise....payback's a bitch.

  3. You summed up Dana Loesch nicely.

    I can't stand her, not only because she's guilty of self-promotion to the extreme, but because she's intellectually inferior, which makes her intellectually dishonest.

    Critics are "stalkers". Dissenters are "ditsy". She's vulgar, and she's a lying fraud. She is classless, and it shows in everything she touches.

    (proving you just can't take the hick out of people like her)

    She's just gross.


  4. She's the gander.

    And we all know that what's good for the goose, is good for the gander.

  5. how do you rattle a specter? is that like raising the saber?

  6. sorry.......Hemingway.

  7. I would comment, but I think it's all been said.

  8. I had posted "doubt it", meaning I doubt she'll ever be as popular as Meghan Mccain, but it didn't get posted. I also just want to second what this person said:

    I can't stand her, not only because she's guilty of self-promotion to the extreme, but because she's intellectually inferior, which makes her intellectually dishonest.

    Critics are "stalkers". Dissenters are "ditsy". She's vulgar, and she's a lying fraud. She is classless, and it shows in everything she touches.

  9. I watched Megan McCain on the View the other day, just so I could see what has Dana's panties all up in a bunch about her. And I have to say, I can stand to listen to Megan much more than I can stand to listen to Dana. Even if I don't agree with her on every point, I totally respect the way she presents herself and her ideology. I can't say the same for Dana.
